Sunday, November 30, 2008

mOrNinG SessiOn~

TodaY i woke up at 10am..
An excited activity waiting for mE~sing K
Who's mY partnerS this time??
You will know when U saw these photos below..
I enjoyed it indeed..
Frankly some songs made me recall sometHing
But I've know how to manage my mood
The memories stayed in mY mind clearly when i sang those songs
It's a tool to foster the feeling to sing more nicer..lolx
After sang finished those songs
Everything back to usual..
Some people singing
WhiLe sOmeone cant wait to craving her foOd..
I tHink CindY too hungry zoR==

mY BeLovEd^^

**tHere Is nOtHinG LiKe HanG oUt witH fRienDs fOr ReaL CoMfoRt**

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