Venue-->Mid Valley
BruncH-->Pizza Hut
We jus realised that mid valley's pizza damn delicious than other place..
So..those franchise business need to maintain their quality as well..
Especially Pizza Hut SunwaY pyramid!!!!
Our aim is formal wear..
I've "donated" RM200 tO mid valley -.-"
As long as it's worth..woOhOo~
After crazY shopping..
Yo~Our high tea session..heehee~
We know..will be fatter~LolSs
As long as we're happy and enjoy as well~
Venue--->Little Taiwan
Let's see~PeggY dear quite enjoY the food^^
She's always mY best shoOping partner~yeaH
PeggY deaR~Thanks U made mY mooD better yesterdaY
I LuV U so sO mucH~
That's whY I can't live at kl if without her~hohohO
After that, i rush back to meet with mY another VIP
It's her---->BaO bEi xIn Yi
Venue~Pasar Malam
I know mY moOd spoilted little bit..
mY trip with mS wenNi cancel..
I'm so disappointed...
After meet up with Bao bEi,miNgZ,anN,tIe zaI
anD a planNing bY PeggY deaR
mY mooD recover..
**Everyday was shInY if U've a right accompanion**
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