Saturday, May 8, 2010

Full Schedule~

After few days struggling with the econ assignment,
Today finally stepped out from my house ^o^
We went to JW Marriott attended Jiayue's convocation.
After that we went snowflake in pavillion and full house sunway pyramid lastly was the last place.
We took many photos during these few places, I will upload photo once jiayue upload in facebooK :)
=Due Date of those hatefuL 'babieS"!!!!!=
Next weeK~Macroeconomic presentation on tuesday, Food sociology presentation on wednesday
Impact analysis report on 18 May,
Globalisation report on 25 May
Feasibility Study x2 on 25 May,
Guest Experience on 27 May
Goshhhh....Total 8 assignmentS ><
Right after was final exam start on 7 June to 11 June...Crapped!!!!
Moving out before 20 June
My 3D2N trip with HIM on 18 June, but haven't confirmed the venue ==
May and June fully booked T____T
Too much work edi laR!!!
That's final sem of degree life,so accept it with S.M.I.L.E =]
Never put myself so much pressure, always faith on my 'capability'
I can DO IT \(^0^)/

**We CannOt Do EverythinG At OnCe, But We CaN Do SomEthing at OnCe**

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