Monday, August 31, 2009

The Fun et CrazY Assignment NightS~

Me,peggy, Ong and Uncle Ann was doing the Mr. Bird's assignment on the thursday night and friday night..Basically, each group have to answer the 4 Questions in essay form after read the article which he posted in Blackboard 7. Frankly, the article is freaking difficult for 4 of us?We dunno what the hell the article talking about==

Eventually, we spend the whole night to figure out the article!! I fall sleep on the half way on the thursday night..heehee..I dun have any memory about how I took off my spec and slept comfortably on my bed~ According to them, I still woke up suddenly and mumbling myself ==

The friday night, we are energetic after having fun!!Me, Peggy and Ong using facebook comment although we were in same room while waiting uncle ann brought his sweet gf back... The comment war was starting after I told them I went shittinG :P

Even if my image spoilt by them when they were commenting the status which Ong posted, I felt amusing instead of embarrassment~ At least the comments made us relax and cheer up my peggy dear =)

Unfortunately, Uncle ann raped my CJ7 to "squeezed out" his pressure ><
My pity CJ7 tortured by him seriously...damn poor~

Lastly, we finished the assignment!!! But only 2 question with PoinT fOrm...lolx
However, we content of it =)...Let's continue after the merdeka holidaY~

** ThE LaugHteR DriVe AwaY tHe CloudY**

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